When your sales pipeline is clogged with phone and website inquiries, that’s when you begin to lose opportunities. Once you team up with HelpSquad, you’ll never miss out on a sale again. Our professional live chat agents will answer your website visitor’s questions 24/7 and utilize HelpSquad’s lead capture platform to bring sales right to your fingertips. In addition, HelpSquad’s team will also learn the fundamentals of your business and understand the basics about the automotive services and products you supply, including new and used vehicles, automotive repair, tires, and parts. Most importantly, your customers will be blown away with the friendly, knowledgeable service they’ll receive.
Once you team up with HelpSquad, you’ll never miss out on a sale again.
Delivering Opportunity

Personal and Professional
HelpSquad uses a sophisticated but easy-to-use communication platform to ensure customer inquiries are handled personally and professionally. Whether your customers prefer to use live chat, SMS text message, or Facebook messenger for communication, we’ve got you covered.
Your business is selling, leasing, or servicing cars. Ours is providing superior customer support. Let HelpSquad boost your website conversions and increase your sales opportunities at a cost that feeds your bottom line.

You’ve got questions? We’ve got answers.
Our friendly support agents are here to answer your questions. HelpSquad has support solutions for auto dealerships or repair shops of any size, and we’re committed to helping you find the right plan to meet your needs. Fill out the form on the right, and one of our team members will be in touch shortly!
Recent Events
Procrastination and Perfectionism: Twin Disasters for Your Productivity
It’s been about two whole days since I was assigned to write this blog, and just now, at noon on day three, I’ve forced myself to sit down and write. My to-do list, which is sitting next to me, is seemingly long, but this task is highlighted because it takes priority. My list isn’t just … Continued
Are you great at Auto Service but not at Customer Service? There’s help for that
In Temkin’s 2018 customer experience report, auto dealerships were ranked thirteenth among twenty industries, earning an “Okay” rating on average. Why was that? Temkin generated the ratings by asking 10,000 US consumers how they would rate their recent interactions with 318 companies, specifically according to three dimensions: success, effort, and emotion. So the auto dealership … Continued
3 ways HelpSquad can help build a car dealer’s reputation
When you’re in the business of selling cars, reputation is king. And in the online world, building that reputation, or recovering from a one that’s less than stellar, can be the difference in your success. There are several factors that contribute to your online reputation, and live chat technology for car dealers can be … Continued