
A Comprehensive Guide to Optimal Customer Engagement

By: Dan Kenitz

Everyone knows how to sell online. You stick to a simple acronym: AIDA. Attention Interest Desire/Decision Action Then you set up a website and… …you have no idea what to do next. Fortunately, there are tools for people who have been in this exact scenario. But while it’s always good to be able to create … Continued

By: Dan Kenitz

Mike Figliuolo, the founder of Thought Leaders, was a tough guy. A former US army platoon leader. An entrepreneur. A certified Master Fitness Trainer. Not exactly the type of person you would expect to have a heart attack at 43. Despite all his accomplishments, Figliuolo learned one important lesson: he wasn’t making time for his … Continued

By: Matthew Harmer

Customer Service Word Choices: What to say to your customers (and why, and how). We have all heard the saying, “It’s not what you say, but how you say it that matters.” Of course, it’s no surprise that the tone of voice matters.  However, research by conversation analysts suggests that it’s not just how you … Continued

By: Mary Dellosa

Boosting customer engagement requires making interactions more personal and straightforward. Understanding customers’ needs, speaking their language, and being transparent builds trust. Simplifying the journey and offering support across various channels ensures a seamless experience. By humanizing these interactions, businesses can foster loyalty and drive growth. Understanding Customer Engagement Understanding customer engagement is about truly grasping … Continued