How to Improve Critical Thinking: 10 Effective Strategies

14 Oct 2024 By: Mary Dellosa


DALL·E 2024 10 13 23.03.01 A vibrant and modern concept image illustrating the idea of Improving Critical Thinking. The background features a human brain glowing with energy
How to improve critical thinking

What is Critical Thinking?

Critical thinking means carefully evaluating information before forming opinions or decisions. It involves questioning assumptions, considering different perspectives, and staying open to new ideas. Instead of accepting things at face value, it helps you dig deeper, reflect, and make thoughtful choices

What is one way you are developing better critical thinking habits?

To help you develop better critical thinking habits, we asked business leaders and coaches this question for their best insights. From having brainstorming sessions to learning to ask the right questions, there are several ways to develop habits that may improve your critical thinking skills.

Tools and techniques to improve critical thinking skills:

  • Have Brainstorming Sessions
  • Begin With The End in Mind
  • Check Your Biases
  • Question Information and Verify from Multiple Sources
  • Ted-Talk To Boost Critical Thinking
  • Practice Thinking Out Loud
  • Ask for Feedback
  • Question Your Own Assumptions
  • Practice Arguing in Favor of Something You Disagree With
  • Learn To Ask The Right Questions

Have Brainstorming Sessions

Nothing encourages critical thinking skills quite like being exposed to different ideas and viewpoints. You’re taken out of your comfort zone when you have collaborative brainstorming sessions, as you challenge the assumptions of your thought process. Get as many business leaders in on these sessions as you can. When you approach a problem from multiple angles, you’re better able to come up with effective solutions.

Debra Hildebrand, Hildebrand Solutions, LLC

Begin With The End in Mind

While it might seem counterintuitive, one of the best critical thinking techniques is beginning with the end in mind. The “end” can be your goal, a completed project, or a new product. Once you know what you’re working towards, work collaboratively with your team to reverse engineer the concepts in order to achieve your desired results. Such exercises in critical thinking force you to think outside of the box and fuel innovation. 

Chris Abrams, Abrams Insurance Solutions

Check Your Biases

As the CEO of a company, it’s important that I make all my employees feel heard and understood. In order to do this, I need to approach conversations with a sense of neutrality. It’s easy to think that my opinion is based on logic but bias affects much more than we think. It’s important to step outside of my experiences and see from the perspective of others. I work hard to unpack my prejudices so that they won’t affect my ability to think critically.

Ubaldo Perez, Hush Anesthetic

Question Information and Verify from Multiple Sources

One way I am developing better critical thinking habits is by questioning the information that I consume. For example, before accepting anything as fact, I try to verify the information from multiple sources. Additionally, I am also trying to develop a more open mind when considering different viewpoints.  By doing this, I am hoping to avoid confirmation bias and instead gain a more well-rounded understanding of the world.

Nathan Richardson, Bariatric Journal

Ted-Talk To Boost Critical Thinking

I believe that a steady stream of Ted Talks can be a great way to expand your ideas by thinking more critically. I find that by learning about various topics that I am less knowledgeable in, I start to approach familiar topics with a new perspective. I also find it broadening to read the comment section of the videos, because you can get interesting feedback from all types of different people, across the world.

Jorge Vivar, Mode

Practice Thinking Out Loud

One way to improve your critical thinking skills is to practice “thinking out loud.” That is, when confronted with a problem or issue, take the time to stop and really think about it before acting or speaking. Consider all of the possible implications and outcomes of your actions before you make a decision. This process may feel slow at first, but with practice, it will become second nature. Additionally, “thinking out loud” can also be helpful when working on projects with others.

Marc De Diego Ferrer, MCA Assessors

Ask for Feedback

We all know that you constantly need to improve your analytical and research skills to keep your critical thinking at the right level. However, if you want to improve critical thinking in the long run, you also need to question your ideas by asking others for feedback. That’s why it’s important that you apply another way of thinking and see things from a different perspective. Listening to others can help you challenge your assumptions and rethink your way of doing things. It also fosters creativity and gives you new solutions to overcome cognitive bias.  

Also, feedback will help you make your ideas understandable to others. There is a high chance that you will need to present your work to other stakeholders. Getting feedback beforehand is a great way to adapt your presentation to different audiences and ensure that your ideas are clear to others.

Dorota Lysienia, MyPerfectResume

Question Your Own Assumptions

One way I am developing better critical thinking habits is by learning to recognize and question my own assumptions. We all have a set of beliefs that we operate from, and while some of these may be helpful, others can constrain our thinking and prevent us from seeing other possibilities.

When I catch myself making an assumption, I try to pause and reflect on why I believe it to be true. This process of questioning and introspection has helped me to develop stronger critical thinking skills.

Asako Ito, Divine Lashes

Practice Arguing in Favor of Something You Disagree With

A great critical thinking exercise is to develop the best possible argument in favor of something with which you disagree. For example, if you believe that electric engines in cars are better for the environment than combustion engines, then argue the point that combustion engines are better. Only, research the best possible supporting evidence, logic, and arguments in favor of this position. Then, do the same exercise for your existing position and compare the outcomes. Not only will this help you to make rational arguments and improve your critical thinking skills, but it’s a great exercise in empathy and you’ll become more persuasive as a result.

Dennis Consorte, Snackable Solutions

Learn To Ask The Right Questions

Desmond Tutu’s quote sums up my entire approach to developing critical thinking skills. Inquiring prompts deeper thought. Critical thinkers, I believe, ask a lot of questions. All you need to learn is how to ask the right questions on a daily basis. This applies to anything from simple tasks like choosing a dress color to major financial decisions like buying a property. It helps in creating a mindset that prepares you to tackle more important and in-depth questions. However, critical thinking also entails knowing how and where to look for a solution. Practice makes perfect, as they say. I normally start my daily exercise by considering something I’d like to know about, which could be anything. What piques my interest? What would I like to learn more about? Why do things happen this way, and how can I improve? Asking questions encourages you to be curious about the things that interest you.

Vartika Kashyap, ProofHub

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Ways to Practice Critical Thinking

To practice critical thinking, ask more questions daily. Get curious about how things work and challenge beliefs. Solve problems, analyze what you read, and talk to people with different views. Reflect on your decisions and stay open to new ideas. These steps sharpen critical thinking

Critical Thinking Strategies

Here’s a more humanized and simplified version of the critical thinking strategies:

  1. Ask Questions – Don’t just accept things as they are. Be curious and dig deeper.
  2. Get the Facts – Before making any decision, gather all the information you can.
  3. Break It Down – Take complex issues and break them into smaller, easier-to-understand parts.
  4. Look at All Sides – Consider different opinions and perspectives to get a clearer picture.
  5. Check for Bias – Be aware of your personal biases that could cloud your judgment.
  6. Think Step by Step – Use logic to connect the dots and come to the right conclusion.
  7. Imagine the Outcome – Think about the potential impact before making a decision.
  8. Combine Ideas – Bring together different thoughts and solutions to create something new.
  9. Practice Often – Challenge yourself with problem-solving to keep your mind sharp.
  10. Learn from Experience – Reflect on past decisions to improve your thinking for next time.

How to improve critical thinking process

The critical thinking process begins with identifying the problem you want to solve. Clearly defining the issue is key, as it helps avoid confusion and sets a clear direction for your thinking. Without a clear understanding of the problem, finding a solution becomes much harder.

Once the problem is identified, the next step is gathering all relevant information. This could be data, opinions, or facts from reliable sources. Having all the details at hand gives you a solid foundation to work from. It’s important to be thorough at this stage to ensure you have a complete understanding of the issue.

After gathering information, break it down into smaller, manageable parts. This step involves looking for patterns, connections, or gaps that might need further investigation. By analyzing the information in depth, you can uncover new insights that help you better understand the problem and potential solutions.

Next, consider different solutions and weigh the options carefully. Look at the pros and cons of each approach and think critically about what might work best. It’s crucial to make sure that the information you’re relying on is accurate, trustworthy, and free from biases.

Once you’ve considered your options, it’s time to make a decision and take action. By this point, you should feel confident that you’ve thoroughly explored the problem and the potential solutions. Taking action based on well-reasoned thought will often lead to better outcomes.

Finally, after the action is taken, reflect on the process. Look back at what worked well and what didn’t. This reflection is crucial because it helps you learn from the experience, allowing you to refine your critical thinking skills and improve future decision-making. Each experience contributes to sharpening your ability to think critically.

Critical Thinking
Management & Leadership
Personal Development
Mary Dellosa
Mary Dellosa

Mary is an executive assistant with over 3 years of experience. She enjoys doing various tasks such as graphic design, video editing and content writing. She is on HelpSquad's marketing team and helps leverage the company's business for growth. You may contact Mary on LinkedIn:

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