15 Tools To Run a Business Without Touching People
Who would have thought that physical contact between humans would become a major obstacle to running a business. Yet, this is the reality in 2020. The dangers of COVID-19 changed the way people live, work, and do business. Perhaps not just for the time being, but for the long run. The home office switch was … Continued

Customer Service
6 Out-of-the Box Ideas For Small Business Reopening
Small business reopening has been on everyone’s mind as the United States nears the second month of COVID-19 quarantine. With some states lifting restrictions and others preparing to do so in the near future, small business owners everywhere ponder on reopenings. Safety of operations and financial viability become major issues in all cases as the … Continued

Business Communications: The Age of Virtual Connections
Virtual business communications have a longer history than one may realize. Pre-colonial Native American tribes used smoke signals to deliver messages. Europeans transmitted information between cities using a visual telegraphy system in the late 18th century. And once Samuel Morse patented the telegraph in 1844, the virtual communications rapidly gained speed on the information-sharing highway. … Continued

Coronavirus Relief for Small Businesses: Creativity and Resourcefulness
“Never let a good crisis go to waste,” Winston Churchill said those words more than 70 years ago. But there is no time like right now for them to ring so true. With COVID-19 sweeping the globe. It’s hard to find a business that is not feeling the effects of the pandemic. A business owner … Continued

Marketing and media
5 Effective Ways to Get More Subscribers with Content Upgrade
How to get your website visitors to give you those precious email addresses. “Give it, give it, give it, please…” You can beg and plead for your website visitors’ contacts, but not everyone is willing to give out his or her personal info. There’s one thing that can get your website patrons to dish out … Continued

Tame the Madness: Small Business Organization Tips
Jingle Bell Rock Your Small Business Organization Through the Holiday Season It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas, everywhere you go… Crowds of customers. A forgotten order. Lost delivery slip. Holiday discount confusion. Returned merchandise. Broken boiler. Christmas light fiasco. End-of-year paperwork… And everyone wants everything done, finished, and delivered NOW! The holiday season … Continued

How to Create Effective Call-to-Action Buttons on Landing Pages
A guide to creating effective call-to-action buttons on landing pages. You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink. You can lead prospective customers to your landing page, but you can’t make them click on your call-to-action button. What you can do is optimize the button so the prospect is more … Continued