
Natalya Bucuy

Other stories by Natalya Bucuy
chat widget 17 Jul
Answering Service

Best Practices For Live Chat Agents

virtual assistant scalability 22 Nov
Customer Service

Live Chat Agent Job: How To Land One You’ll Love in 2023

Deflect Customer Phone Calls: 09 Nov
Live chat

Why and How Properly Deflect Customer Phone Calls

hire customer service agents 07 Jul
Customer Service

How to a Hire Customer Service Agents That Don't Suck

student experience 05 May
Customer Success Stories

BFIT Improves Student Experience (With a Little Help From HelpSquad)

covert website visitors into customers 04 Jan
Customer Service

18 Ways to Magically Convert Website Visitors Into Customers

avoid losing loyal customers 16 Nov
Customer Service

5 Smart Strategies That Help Avoid Losing Loyal Customers

Increase Sales with Google AdWords 04 Nov
Marketing and media

3 Best Practices to Increase Sales with Google AdWords

big brand experience 20 Aug
Customer Service

17 Ways Small Brand Can Provide Big Brand Experience