Live chat
Best Practices For Live Chat Agents
Live chat agent job became more and more important in the last decade. What would make a good live chat agents vs not so. Let's explore what the best practices live chat agents should follow.

Why and How Properly Deflect Customer Phone Calls
Ahhhh, the 90s…The era of punk rock, rollerblades, and “the Rachel” haircut. While nostalgia brings some of these things back from time to time – welcome back, fanny packs! – some things should really stay in the 90s. That includes waiting on hold. Frankly, there are few more annoying things for a customer than being … Continued

Customer Service
How to a Hire Customer Service Agents That Don't Suck
“I’ll know it when I see it.” Even though Supreme Justice Potter Stewart said that famous phrase in relation to obscene adult-content films, we can easily apply it to bad customer service. Even if we don’t know what specifically makes it bad, we definitely know when it’s bad. And bad customer service negatively affects business … Continued

Higher Education
BFIT Improves Student Experience (With a Little Help From HelpSquad)
“I wish to be useful even after my death…in forming and advancing other young people who may be serviceable to their country.” – Benjamin Franklin This is quite an admirable quote from one of our most famous founding fathers. Little did Benjamin Franklin know that two hundred years after his death, these words would not … Continued

Small Business
18 Ways to Magically Convert Website Visitors Into Customers
Ah, window shopping! What a fun activity, isn’t it? Whether it is browsing through the storefronts of New York City or checking out the mom-and-pop shops in your local town, sometimes the mere fix of looking at items on display is all you need. Did you know that window shopping has been around for a … Continued

Customer Service
5 Smart Strategies That Help Avoid Losing Loyal Customers
Ah, the moment when you, as a small business owner, sign on a new customer! You go through the onboarding process and get the client set up and settled in. You get excited about the upcoming opportunity. Maybe you share a round of high fives with your team or celebrate with a happy dance in … Continued

Marketing and media
3 Best Practices to Increase Sales with Google AdWords
Setting up Google AdWords is an efficient way to enhance your marketing efforts and reach your target audience, but only if you do it right. So, what if you’re new to this and you don’t know where to start? Or you’re worried about a limited budget? The truth is, you can still achieve excellent results … Continued

Management & Leadership
17 Ways Small Brand Can Provide Big Brand Experience
“Dream big.” This piece of advice seems to pop up throughout our lives time and again. And as small business people, we do. We dream big. We reach for the stars. And we do what we love. We build business ventures, we find our audiences, and we try to serve our customers the best we … Continued

Small Business
5 Ways to Build Personal Connections with Customers Virtually
What matters most to online shoppers? According to a recent study by Google, it’s the lowest price and free shipping. This is where giant conglomerates like Wal-Mart and Amazon have everyone beat. So, does that mean smaller companies have little chance of winning customers? No, it does not. And here is why. While customers who … Continued