
We Spent a Week Throwing Curveballs at the Best Chatbots in the Game. Here’s What They Had to Say.

By: Maria De Jesus

In the fast-paced world of Business Process Outsourcing (BPO), language models transform operations. They improve efficiency and customer satisfaction. This article explores large and small language models in BPO. It highlights their strengths and weaknesses. Aim to enhance customer service, data analysis, or break language barriers? Understanding these tools is crucial. They guide you to … Continued

By: Matthew Stern

The customer experience (CX) refers to the impression consumers have of your brand as a whole throughout the entire buyer’s journey.  A positive customer experience is vital to the success of your business. And, every business should strive to exceed its customers’ expectations in order to retain them as long-term loyalists.  However, in today’s highly … Continued

By: Ryan Gould

Attracting and engaging new customers is a challenge for many organizations. But employee advocacy is one of the most powerful and sustainable methods to reach new potential customers  that may be impressed with your products and services.  With employee advocacy gaining momentum, you want to make sure that your business is utilizing its full potential. … Continued

By: Jessica Wise

I watch my Keurig pumps the last few drops of coffee into my cup. It’s always those last few drips that seem to take the longest. Tired and impatient, I just want to move on with my morning. This stage of the brewing process serves as a great analogy for where we stand with the … Continued

By: Jessica Wise

Students are the heart of higher education. They pump energy, purpose and the almighty dollar into the veins of post-secondary institutions.  Without students, colleges and universities would lose their beat. Unfortunately, since the pandemic, enrollments have seen a sharp decline. According to a study by the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center, post-secondary enrollments declined 2.5% … Continued

By: Jessica Wise

The story of how one marketing agency continued to thrive in a shifting industry landscape by maintaining a customer focus. In the last year, we’ve all been put through the wringer. A pandemic. Political unrest, job losses, and struggling businesses. But, in times like these, it’s important to remember that, “Tough times never last, but … Continued

By: Jessica Wise

As a kid, when my Mom rang the dinner bell, we came running. I mean…she didn’t actually have a dinner bell. But, we did eat at the dinner table as a family every single night — a tradition that seems to be fading in today’s society.  Studies show that families reap huge benefits from this … Continued

By: Jessica Wise

Do you know who Josh Kalk is? He’s a human curveball.  Upon first glance, Kalk appears to be nothing more than your average Joe…a shy intellect if you will.   The 44 year-old started out as a math and physics professor at a small state college in West Virginia and a small-time writer of his own … Continued