Why moving is much more than muscle: Creating a positive customer experience

14 Jun 2018 By: Jessica Eyre


We now live in a very mobile society. We carry computers in our pockets, billions of passengers fly on a plane each year,  there are more than 250 million cars on the road in the United States. And, according to statistics site FiveThirtyEight, the average person will move homes 11.4 times in their lifetime.

As a moving company, separating yourself out from the crowd is critical for success. So if you’re the best, how do you communicate that to potential customers? Even a quick look at what is important to people when making buying decisions, customer service is always near the top. People want not just a good product, they want a good experience before, during, and after they’ve purchased.


Delivering a positive customer experience, you need to start with your own customers. Developing customer loyalty can not only help you with returning customers, but through recommendations, online reviews, and word-of-mouth advertising. Richard Kestenbaum, an expert in consumer behavior and consumer products, said that dialogue, openness, and empathy are three important factors to building customer loyalty.

“[Dialogue] means communication by other means including respecting customers’ time, appreciating their loyalty, and making everyone’s job at every level of the company focused on customer service,” Kestenbaum said.

Let’s talk more about that last part. Making customer service a high priority for all of your employees is key. From the president and CEO to your movers who interact face to face with customers, to customer service agents you may employ to help with lead capturing and nurturing. This includes live chat agents for the moving industry.

HelpSquad’s agents are trained with materials that you have input on developing so whenever your customers or potential customers engage with a live chat agent at any time of day or night, you can be assured they are receiving the highest quality of service, just as if you were chatting with them yourself.

According to www.dummies.com, having a consistent and authentic brand is one of the core elements of a great customer experience. And your brand isn’t a nice logo with a great tagline. It’s how your customers perceive you in every interaction, from your website, chat, phone call, text, and meeting.


In all of those interactions, your brand needs to come through authentically. And HelpSquad’s team is there 24/7 to support you with high-quality service, and with a human-to-human conversation, which allows for problem-solving and troubleshooting, helpful insights and upsells, among other things that a bot is not capable of handling.

This allows you to make each customer’s experience more personal. According to SAS, a data company, making it personal between you and your customers will help provide a better customer experience. They also say it’s important to deliver the right message at the right place at the right time. By offering live chat and SMS texting service options to your customers, you are allowing communication channels that are convenient and comfortable. HelpSquad supports these channels for you 24 hours a day, seven days a week, so you won’t ever miss an opportunity to wow a customer or potential customer with a high-quality experience.

With a high-level customer experience, not only will your customers be able to check the regular boxes people look for in a moving company–license and insurance, transparent rates, and a good track record–they’ll have a positive experience that leads to good online reviews, recommendations, and customer loyalty.

Reach out to us today for a free demo and give your customer experience a big boost.

Moving Business